Best Bluetooth/WiFi file sharing app for iOS, ever!

The missing Bluetooth feature for iOS is finally back!


Key Features

  • Send files from apps supports “Open in …”

  • Bluetooth transfer speed up to 170KB/s

  • WiFi P2P support for iOS transfer

  • WiFi P2P works even without a WiFi hotspot

  • Send/receive multiple files to/from multiple devices, you do not have to wait it to complete

  • Transfer files between Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, MTK, Windows, Mac, Linux, and iOS devices.

  • Integrated with system apps like Photos, Contacts, iPods, Videos, Notes, iBooks and etc.

  • Received files are imported into system app such as Musics, Photos, Contacts and etc

We made great Bluetooth apps!

We created the well-known Bluetooth tethering app iBluever years ago, an Bluetooth Dial-up Networking client for iOS, which enable iOS device to use the mobile Internet on your Nokia, Moto, Android, BlackBerry phones.

We created iTether, the Bluetooth tethering solution for iOS. It enables sharing
iPhone's Internet to iPod touch and iPad. Just years before Apple adding Bluetooth support to Personal Hotspot.

  • Eric Day Developer

    I am the man behind AirBlue Sharing ;)

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